29 June 2011

Indifferent to God's word

I went to Bible study and the leader read the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the day of the month. I've not been in the Word of God much. No--not at all. Sick, busy, out of practice... It's not that it's unimportant. It's that it's become foreign to me.

That pains me to say it. Pains me in my mind. My emotions feel rather numb about it actually--right where the devil wants me to be: indifferent to God's word.

Danger! Danger!

Indifference is a silent, deadly killer. An entire church is vomited out God's mouth because of it. I'm going to take my Bible study leader's example and start reading a Proverb a day. I don't want to be vomit.

I get so easily bored reading the same thing over and over, but perseverance in this is good. I need to develop it, especially if I want God to show me anything deeper of Himself than surface stuff. I already know a lot of surface stuff.

So that's my plan for tomorrow. I hope I do it. First thing first, though: get up in the morning with my alarm. That's a whole other tangled skein.

~ Guilty Christian


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